About the Artist:
Ashlynne Ludwig is a costume designer and technician, currently
pursuing her M.F.A. at the University of Maryland. She received her B.F.A in Production Design at the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2015 with a concentration in Costume Design and a minor in Art History. Ashlynne enjoys designing costumes for a variety of genres, including musical theater, comedy, and theater for young audiences. Her practical experience ranges from design to stitching, patterning, costume crafts, and costume shop management.
Selected Credits:
Assistant to Costume Designer Helen Q. Huang at Studio Theatre, Roundhouse Theatre Company (upcoming).
Resident Costume Designer, Costume Shop Manager, Cumberland County Playhouse
Stitcher, Opera Theatre St. Louis
Wardrobe, Glimmerglass Festival
Wardrobe, Bucks County Playhouse

Upcoming, University of Maryland 2021

Maryland Opera Studio, 2021 (Production cancelled)

University of Maryland, 2020

Upcoming, University of Maryland 2021